TopoDroid v. 6.1

Version 6.1 changes

The numbers in parenthesis are the Android minimum API, target API, project-build API, and build sdk.

6.1.98-105 (18-33-33-33) 20230310
Portuguese user manual (partial).
Line/area continuation.
Man pages update.
Sketching (experimental, debug-build only).
Fixes: svx import.

6.1.93-97 (18-33-33-33) 20230131
Reinserted Portuguese translation.
Control for fewer/more station names in equate window.
Fixes: Horizontal X-section North-line. Therion u: prefix in exports. Check on equate station names. Xsection therion scrap names. Declination correction for orientable symbols (?).

6.1.88-92 (18-33-33-33) 20230105 Convergence in shp data export, and 3D viewer: need Proj4 1.1.27.
Fixes: Significant figures in measure tool.
Non-metric CS (in progress).

6.1.84-86 (18-33-33-33) 20221219
Dropped spanish translation.
External GNSS apps for geopoints.
KML export with folders.
New icons: gallery, location.

6.1.76-83 (18-33-33-33)
Re-inserted french translation.
Pdf export with scale.
True north angle in sketch plan view.
LRUD splay count.
Point item scale bar.
Point icon orientation and scale while placing (B. Holl).
GNSS accuracy. Accuracy field for manually added geopoints.
Accuracy field in shapefile export.
Meridian convergence for 3D and cave projects.
Dropped display of ellissoid altitude.
Negative altitudes setting (default no).
Prevent double-georeferenced stations.
Projected profile multileg xsections (B. Holl).
Th2 export both views at once.
Fix Walls export splays.

6.1.56-75 (18-33-33-33)
Finalizing DistoXBLE support (Debug).
Restored output zip archive saving in the default zip folder (because Android Files sucks).
Revised loop-compensation code (selective compensation).
Cave projects custom survey coloring.
Calibration algo reports magnetic dip.
Firmware dump does not leave file, if fails.
Progress feedbacks in memory dump dialog and firmware dump dialog (XBLE only).
Fixes: GL null surface bitmap, width of cun-n-paste popup, strings,
spaces in name of import survey.
Minor UI changes. User manpages updates, transparent icons.

6.1.40-55 (18-33-33-33)
Rebuilt native libs to android-16. Native names.
Revised calib data listing. Calib data search dialog.
Calib coeff upload with read-check.
Revised data-reduction anomaly dialog, survey data search dialog.
Simple th2 sketch editing.
Geek settings: only-forward splay group.
DistoXBLE progress.
Cave project: list of geo points.
User documentation update.
Fixes: BRIC comm thread termination.

6.1.37-39 (18-33-33-33)
Reinstalled spanish translation.
Fixes: multileg xsection.

6.1.29-36 (18-33-33-33)
"Clean" icons.
Last app version check (from "About" dialog).
Fixes: exports (SVG sketch, and others), station x-section reopen.

6.1.22-28 (18-31-31-33)
DistoXBLE pre-setup.
Blunder shot
Search dialog: reverse splays.
Minor fixes.

6.1.9-21 (18-31-31-33)
Dropped all languages except chinese, italian, russian and hungarian, because of insufficient translation.
Request File-Access through Settings at startup
Dropped PNG sketch export and log settings.
Updated GHTopo export.
Dialog window to adjust graph-paper scale.
Fixes: minor problems.

6.1.6-8 (18-31-31-33)
Testing on Android-12 Data-reduction anomalies dialog.
Solved several lint warnings.
Minor fixes

6.1.1-5 (18-31-31-33)
New app name TopoDroidX - package com.topodroid.TDX.
Dropped automatic survey transfer from v.5 to v.6.
Fixes: zip import, survey rename, user manual, languages.